Oh Zingerman's ... Do you remember me? 5'5", blondish-brown hair, husky voice, good appetite? I used to visit you every week in college and let me just say that every pound I gained was totally worth it. Thank you for your delectable eats-especially #18 and #27! I had the pleasure of visiting you last week and splitting those two saucy numbers (Georgia Reuben -All-natural, 100% preservative-free turkey breast, Switzerland Swiss cheese, coleslaw & Russian dressing on grilled Jewish rye bread and Patty and Dick's Honeymooner-Smoked turkey breast, Wisconsin muenster & sweet-hot honeycup mustard on grilled challah bread) with my family and we made all gone as usual!
Boy have you grown since I graduated... Deli, Roadhouse, Bakehouse, Creamery, Coffee House, Caterer. Way to conquer! Thank goodness you deliver nationwide. I couldn't live without you.
P.S-Ari, I got you to speak for my Career Exploration Class ('03) on how to start a business... Thanks for the tips and for getting me an A!
Love always,
Hi SKy-
ReplyDeletethanks so much for all the nice words about Zingerman's.
Your blog is awesome- I started scrolling down the page to see what else you had posted and I couldn't stop exploring it. Very cool stuff.
If you get back here ask for me so I can say hi in person. We'd love to have you come visit us again soon.
(I'm a partner at Zingerman's Deli)
Thank you for the kind words about Zingerman's. Patrons like you Sky are what help make Zingerman's the fantastic company that it is today.
ReplyDelete~Jason Theodoroff
Thank you for your comments. I meant every word of it-I love Zingerman's from the bottom of my heart. I'll be there next week for the holidays, (as my parents live in Ohio), so I will come up to say hello!